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  • We exhibited at Musikmesse 2013


The world’s biggest international fair for musical instruments “Musikmesse” was held for 4 days from April 10th to 13th in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Every year, as many as 100,000 music lovers, people in music industries visit this exhibition and the atmosphere this year was very vibrant as usual. We have been exhibiting our “AULOS” recorders over 30 years since 1982.

Many users, distributors of AULOS recorders from variety of countries visited our exhibition stand during the fair again this year. We exhibited all range of recorders. Each of them boasts its beautiful and luxurious design and tone.

It was a rare occasion for many people to find huge bass recorders, and tiny sopranino and garklein recorders, so there were many people who were happy to take a look and try them out.

As always, participating in Musikmesse in Germany, where music has become a firmly rooted part of life for many people, provides us many findings, and meeting wide variety of people from around the world.

By making the most of this, we keep contributing to the society and help people to enjoy their music lives.